Linux command line to check the directory's size
Using the I got this message "disk quota exceeded" after try install mongoid. The initial plan available for free accounts on Nitrous provides 750MB storage.
But I was asking myself how could my application in rails, that I just started to code, get all this space used? Try to guess could no help me to solve this problem then I learned this new linux command line to check the directories size:
du -h --max-depth=1 ~/ | sort -n -r
And I understood exactly where the problem was, my .rvm directory was too much big:
405M /home/action/
222M /home/action/.rvm
144M /home/action/.gem
24M /home/action/.nvm
24K /home/action/.subversion
15M /home/action/.vim
8.0K /home/action/.ssh
1.8M /home/action/easy_order
0 /home/action/workspace
0 /home/action/.cache
ps: I got this output after remove a ruby version not used
Explaning the command line:
: shows how much space one ore more files or directories is using-h
: format output to show the size in MB--max-depth=1
: consider just the top directories\~/
: direcoty's path to exam| sort -n -r
: sort by size